“Now You Can "Copy" What I'm Doing On The Internet... And Get Checks Like This Too!"

(No... It's NOT AdSense, Affiliate Marketing
or Other Crap)

Here's a recent check for $4,578.75...

And another one for $9,533.20... now find out what I'm doing...

It may seem unbelievable to you at first, but stay with me and I'll show you actual proof of what I'm about to reveal to you!

From: Teddy Hanson
Bellevue, Washington
October 12, 2024


Before I show you the proof, let me tell you the true story of how I discovered this and why you should listen to me. (You can read some of the testimonials at the end of this letter)...

Grab yourself a fresh cup of java, sit back and relax. Here goes...

Here's what it's all about:

My name is Teddy Hanson and I can be reached at 227 Bellevue Way NE, a few blocks from the Hyatt Regency Hotel in a suburb of Seattle called Bellevue.

Between January of 1994 and May of 1998 I marketed my own information products through direct mail from my office in Redmond, WA. I actually mailed 1,440,661 sales letters in those four and a half years. Every one of those letters was personalized and sent out by 1st class US Postal Mail, with my own money.

Obviously I would not have done this unless I was very successful in what I was doing.

The reason I'm telling you this is not to brag, but for you to understand where I'm coming from. You see, I have proven to myself (which is most important) that I know my stuff when it comes to marketing.

Anyway, I would soon discover that I didn't have to do all the work I was doing to make a good living. Even though I was successful, there was a lot of work involved and I had to risk a lot of money up-front. But...

You Won't Believe What I Was About To Discover...

It all started the day before Christmas a few years back.

It was actually on December 24, that I received a letter from Nina Rose, Publisher at The Highlander Club, which is part of Agora Inc. in Baltimore, Maryland. Here is the actual letter:

As you can see from the letter, they wanted to do an "Endorsement Program" with me - which is just another term for a "Joint Venture" - whereby they would introduce my information product, "How to Make a Fortune Using Other People's Money", to their 78,000 members.

Once I realized it wouldn't cost me anything, I jumped at this offer. I would have been crazy not to!

So on June 3 that following year, they sent out an endorsement letter to their members introducing my product. But before I tell you what happened, I want you to realize that I didn't have any financial risk or any of my own money invested in this joint venture. It simply cost me...

$0... Zippo... Zilch... Nothing!

A few weeks after the endorsement mailing went out, I got a check in the mail. Then a couple of weeks later... I got another check, and a few weeks after that... yet another check, and before it was all over, I had received 4 checks for a total of...

. . . $15,256.49

Here are the actual checks:

Here's my first Joint Venture Check ever, for $6,263.88

My next check was for $2,121.22

Then came a "little one" for only $804.80

After the "little one" came another "biggie" for $6,066.59

As you can see, the profits on endorsement deals can continue for months or even years.

Also, remember, this was...

$15,256.49 Net In My Pocket...

not gross. The actual "gross" or "take in" amount for the mailing was over $45,000.00. The company took all the risk, so they simply subtracted their costs and then we split the net profit 50/50.

And I can tell you... nothing feels quite like...

Getting That First Check Into Your "Hot Little hands!" It's Quite Exciting!

Now, let me tell you something... before this, I didn't even know what an "Endorsement Program" or a "Joint Venture" was, nor did I have any idea of just how profitable joint ventures were.

Since then, I've done quite a few joint ventures on the Internet and they have all been very profitable!

Here's an actual copy of a recent bank statement. In this particular month I had $168,795.84 in net sales coming in from Joint Venture deals and I had to pay out $116,690.39, which still left me with a nice profit even after some other expenses.

Now I would like to explain to you why I think this is the very best way to make money on the Internet, and why I think You should get involved in joint ventures...

  • You never risk your own money!
  • You don't need to have your own product!
  • You don't need traffic to your site! Heck, you don't even need a Web site!
  • You don't need an office!
  • You don't need any employees!
  • You don't have to stock any inventory!
  • You never have to manufacture anything!
  • You never have to process credit card orders!
  • You never have to make refunds!
  • You never have to worry about bad checks!
  • You don't spend money on advertising!
  • You don't need to spend money maintaining a Web site!

This concept is so powerful it will give you an unfair advantage - for making money like nothing else I've ever come across.

In fact, if I had to choose from any one single way to make money on the Internet, or anywhere... this is it. Simply because...

You Could See Profits In Your Pocket...
Like You've Never Imagined...
Within Days Of Doing A Joint Venture Deal

Plus, there's hardly any competition out there. Joint venture marketing is pretty simple... All you have to do is become a "match maker".

Also remember... if you don't at least give it a try, something terrible happens...


Remember, the first joint venture I did, was with one business to one list of customers, and this made me $15,256.49! As you can imagine, there are thousands and thousands of these deals out there on the Internet just waiting to be discovered.

Here's How It Works...

A "Joint Venture" is simply:

  • A business with a Web site introducing by e-mail to its own customers an offer from another business in exchange for a part of the profits, or...
  • Two businesses with Web sites introducing each others offer by e-mail to their own customers

But please don't confuse powerful Joint ventures with affiliate programs. Joint ventures is where the Big Money is with none of the hassles.

And the beauty is, it works with most any product or service.

Web Sites Will Literally Line Up For This

It's a fact that 99% of Web site owners have no clue how to market their product successfully on the Internet by traditional methods, such as using search engines, advertising etc.

But that's good news... because you can simply find and match-up Web sites for profitable joint venture deals.

It's quite easy. I will show you step-by-step how you can create these types of joint venture deals day in and day out. Many of which could continue to pay you for years to come!

Remember... We're Not Talking About Spamming...

But "Keeping In Touch" With Existing Customers

When I did my own mailings, I would rent the names of people from mailing list brokers. And even with a "killer" sales letter mailed to the "right list" I would only get between a 1 percent and a 3 percent response to my offers.

However, if the same offer (even if from another business) was "introduced" by a business to their own customers, the response could easily jump to 10-20%.

The reason there is such a difference in response is simply because with an "introduced offer", the customers know and trust the person doing the introduction.

Now, the best part of doing these deals is you don't need to have a Web site and...

You Don't Even Have To Have Your Own Product !

That's right... You simply become a "match maker" by finding and matching up Web sites that are eager to get new customers and to make more money. In the process, you get a nice profit.

Forget all the hype... making money on the Internet the conventional way that every "Internet Guru" seem to talk about isn't as easy as they claim it to be. You just can't put up a Web site and wait for millions of people to show up and buy from you. This simply doesn't work.

It's pretty easy to slap up a Web page, submit it to a few search engines and then sit back and hope the money will roll in.

Unfortunately the money or the traffic never seem to come. Also, don't be fooled by the many so-called "marketing experts" on the Internet. Most of them have never had any true direct marketing success... plus... they never show you any proof of their claims!

But don't worry, stay with me for a few minutes more, and I'll prove to you that you can be successful on the Internet... even without your own Web site. But first I want you to realize that the #1 reason most Web sites fail is because they don't...

Generate Enough Traffic... Period!

Of course there are a lot of other reasons, but the plain fact is... unless you can effectively attract large numbers of visitors to your site, you ain't gonna make it !

That's the bad news!

However, the good news is that there are thousands and thousands of Web sites that would love to introduce their products or services to sites with high traffic.

Of course, you won't necessarily make $15,256.49 profit on every joint venture deal. If I told you that, I'd be lying. Of course some deals are less profitable, but... some are a lot more profitable. Just take a look at my bank statement above.

There Is One Small "Catch" However...

It's small, but important. If you are at all interested... I suggest you let me know right away, because, I'm not going to tell too many people about this. Also, if the Web sites that I do Joint Ventures with would insist that I stop showing the secrets that make their sites truck-loads of money, I would have no choice but to immediately pull this offer.

That's the bad news. However the good news is...

If you're one of the smart ones, that sees the incredible opportunity in this, you'll soon discover...

  • Why you don't even need a Web site
  • Why you never risk any of your own money in these deals
  • Where to get Free software to make this even easier
  • Why you never need to worry about generating Web traffic again
  • The "fool-proof" method of instantly finding almost unlimited number of profitable deals
  • Why you don't need to worry about Search Engine placement ever again
  • How to make sure you never get "ripped-off" and lose any profits
  • Why you don't need to design and build your own Web site
  • How to easily track your profits and check your progress 24-hours a day


You Never Need To Meet Anyone Face-To-Face And...

You Never Buy, Sell, Or Ship Anything

So, you can easily see why this real exciting Internet business is such a win/win situation for everyone. Plus... it can be very profitable for you to simply match up Web sites, that otherwise would never have found each other! Also, this is a real honest business you'll be proud to be involved in.

With my experience and help, I can...

Virtually Guarantee Your Success

That's right, with my personal experience in doing joint venture deals, and with step-by-step guidance in plain grade school English, you can't go wrong. By following the simple steps laid out for you and with reasonable effort, you can soon begin earning a substantial income even doing it part-time.

However, don't get me wrong - You can't just sit back and have money fall in your lap. This isn't some kind of "get rich quick" scheme. There is always some effort required in a legitimate business - if someone tells you otherwise... run! But for the minimal amount of effort required, I think you'll agree this exciting business can't be beat, plus...

You Can Live And Do This Anywhere In The World

The world is at your fingertips 24-hours a day via e-mail so you could easily do it on the French Riviera or on the beach in Cancun Mexico or while trout fishing in the streams of Montana, as long as you have access to the Internet.

This unique business is a real-life, nuts and bolts, tried-and-true, step-by-step system that I am personally using every day. It can make you money time and time again, year-after-year. And you can start immediately.

Plus, once you master these simply techniques you never have to worry about becoming unemployed or working for someone ever again! Because you now will have the "know-how" that very few Web site owners will ever have.

However... the best part is, you don't need any experience and you don't have to go it alone. I'll show you step-by-step exactly how it's done. And you never risk any of your own money in these joint ventures, so you can easily see it doesn't take much to get started.


Here's What You DO Need...

  • You need to have access to the Internet
  • You need to be able to send and receive e-mail
  • You need to be able to read and absorb the information in my easy-to-read, Quick-Start Guide
  • You need a mailing address - so you can receive commission checks
  • You need to have access to a bank - so you can cash those checks

That's about it. As you can see it's not too complicated. Also...

Here's What You DON'T Need...

  • You don't need to be a computer whiz
  • You don't need to know how to design Web sites
  • You don't need to get a domain name
  • You don't need a Web site
  • You don't need to generate traffic
  • You don't need to know anything about programming
  • You don't need to know about HTTP, FTP, PPH, etc.
  • You don't need to know anything about search engines

There's nothing complicated about this, so...

Now That You Know What To Do...

Here's How To Get It Going...

The cost for the complete package of this "real" Internet business, including the easy-to-understand step-by-step Quick-Start Guide, the other valuable bonuses described below, for a limited time, is just $67.

I think you'll agree this is an incredible bargain. In a few short minutes you can have access to "How To Do Joint Ventures On The Internet... The Smart and Easy Way... Even Without a Web Site!" Then simply

To get immediate access to the eye-opening Quick-Start Guide "How To Do Joint Ventures On The Internet... The Smart and Easy Way... Even Without a Web Site!"
simply click the “Get Instant Access!

However, You Must Let Me Know Soon

If you decide you'd like to be involved in a real Internet business and if I hear from you no later than midnight tonight, I'll make sure you'll get the following bonuses also:

  • Bonus #1 - You'll Find Out How Access To The Same Tools I Use - When it comes to doing joint ventures on the Internet, you need certain software programs, or tools, in order to do it easier. There are only a few programs you need and fortunately most of them are free.

  • Bonus #2 - You'll Get My Private Agreement Form - This is my private Agreement that I have found works the best. You are free to use it exactly as is or simply make your own changes.

I Don't Want You To Risk Any Money...

You may be asking yourself what kind of guarantee there is that these methods and strategies will work for you?

All I ask is this: Look over my step-by-step program and see if this is something you'd like to get involved in. Everything will make sense once you look it over, and - trust me on this - you'll get "really excited" once you see how simple this is.

And guess what? I'll even give you...

Full 30 Days To Check It Out

That means that you can look it over and use it with no financial risk what-so-ever. If during that time you decide this is not for you or you're simply not pleased with the information, I'll buy it back from you for the amount you paid for it. Fair enough?

You’ll Get Immediate Access To The Members Area Where You Will Be Able To Access Everything!

However, I can only guarantee this special offer for a limited time. Plus, the material may even be tax deductible as a business expense because it's training material.

To Immediately access the complete package - "How To Do Joint Ventures On The Internet... The Smart and Easy Way... Even Without a Web Site!" - including the bonuses mentioned above, simply click "Get Instant Access!...

Remember... this is a real business you'll be proud of. Plus you'll never risk any of your own money in these joint ventures!

The most exciting part is that you can now have this profitable information in as little as a few minutes!

Remember, if you have to choose from any one single way to make money on the Internet, ... This Is It !

And don't worry...

You Don't Have To Get It Perfect...

You Only Have To Get It Going!


"Deal Maker"

P.S. #1 I will only guarantee this special price for a limited time.

PS #2 You can't lose! You have 30 Days to check it out! You risk nothing! Plus, the material may even be tax deductible as a business expense because it's training material.

You Have A Full 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!

This means that you can look it over and use it with no financial risk whatsoever. If during the 30 days you decide this is not for you or you're simply not pleased with the information, just let me know and I'll issue you an immediate refund of the program. Fair enough?

Look What Others Are Saying About This...

"Hi Teddy,

I am a recent customer of your eBook course, "How To Make A Fortune On The Internet..." and what a breath of fresh air your information is. I've purchased quite a few JV courses and very, very few of them come anywhere near the kind of real world detail and step-by-step advice you cover.

It's so easy to read and understand as well. And it really shines through like a search lamp that you"walk your talk."
Michael Silk, No Mercy Marketing Group, Kent, England

"I want to let you know that I think how you've compiled all your Joint Venture information into one step by step process is remarkable. I am VERY satisfied. I was already familiar with the potential of JV through MMIC but you book was icing on the cake!"
J Brown, Owings Mills, Maryland

"Hi Ted!

I have read your E-book concerning Joint Ventures. Your idea of business are brilliant, fantastic with other words - super´b.

Your way to present your idea are terrific. It is the most pedagogical way I have ever met, and I like it very much. But there is a problem, I speak and read English much better then I do written English (grammar)."
H Bernhard, Forshaga, SWEDEN

"Now to your book . . . a wonderful read! What I've found different but refreshing in this book, is it's 'down to earth' style of writing. I'm not sure if you've had others comment about this.

There are similar books out there but they don't get to the 'detail' quickly enough nor do they present the info clearly enough for the newbie to understand. Many books just have too much to say and do not get to the point!

I feel you've done the opposite of what most books do - and that's simply 'talk' to the 'person' reading the book in a simple way without being 'offensive' about it! The info is clearly laid out for anyone to understand.

Anyone reading this book can then take advantage of actually JV'ing themselves with the suggestions you've provided.

All in all a wonderful book that gets straight to the point. People pay to read information they want now - and this is what they get!"
Eric Der Hope, Los Angeles, California

"My name is Yaasiin and I live in the United Kingdom. I have just purchased and read your book "How to make a fortune on the Internet" and I have to say this is by far the best way of making a living on the internet.

I have purchased and read a lot of books from the internet on how to make money and I have had no solid results. So thank you!"
Yaasin, Ilford, Essex, UNITED KINGDOM

All the testimonials on this site are actual comments from people like yourself who have used our products. But remember, this is not some "get rich quick scheme". You are actually required to put forth some effort. Dumb luck may affect your results and, sure, not everyone is cut out for this kind of income generator, but, hey that's why we give you a money-back guarantee to try our system and a 100% refund anytime during that period.

  • Members Benefit #1 - You'll Get Money for the Mortgage Deals - In order to make this business work you'll need money for these deals. However, you don't need to have your own money. Once you're a member you'll have access to the same money I use. Super valuable!
  • Members Benefit #2 - You'll Get Money for Closing Costs - Again, you don't need to have your own money for Appraisals, Title Work, Escrow Fees, etc. Once you're in, you never need to come up with any up-front fees, and neither do the sellers. This alone is easily - worth $500 per deal !
  • Members Benefit #3 - You'll get my "Private" contact info - As a member, you'll get my private contact information so you can contact us with a deal and get the funding. Extremely valuable!
  • Members Benefit #4 - You'll Get To Decide Your Own Profit - You'll find out exactly how much the investors will pay for a particular note, so you can decide how much of a finder's fee you want. Very valuable!
  • Members Benefit #5 - You'll Get a Full Refund of Your Registration Fee - Yes, you read it right... In order to help you succeed, I have also decided to refund your registration fee in FULL as soon as a deal you submit to me closes. This offer is good forever - no time limit. Great deal !
  • Members Benefit #6 - You'll Get Help With Collecting the Paper Work - I will also help you collect the paper work from the seller on any deal you submit to me. Pretty handy!
  • Members Benefit #7 - Special Reports that will show and walk you through every step of the system, so you won't get lost no matter how new you are to the note business.